Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Audit shows surplus decline at Pinnacol - Denver Business Journal:

According to the recent audit from Deloitte Touche LLP, which lawmakers reviewed the decrease is related to losses on bondss and common stocks. Pinnacol’s reserves were a source of scrutiny earlierd this year when Colorado legislators attempted toraid $500 milliom from the insurer to plug gaps in the state budget. Lawmakers argued that because Pinnacoll is a political subdivision ofthe state, its reservesw were fair game. But legislators later retreated from the raidaftetr Pinnacol’s CEO threatened to sue the stated and Gov. Bill Ritter indicated he would not supportythe move.
A speciakl committee will lookinto Pinnacol’xs operations under Senate Bill 281, approved by lawmakerws and Ritter during the most recent General Assembly. Supporterxs of the bill said that Pinnacol’s unique structure should be examinedmore closely. But opponentas of the legislation say the committee isa “witcg hunt” to dismantle Pinnacol, which functioned bettet since it started operating as a private interesf in 2004. In an audit summary, Deloitt said it identified financial misstatementxthat haven’t been correctedd in the company’s books totaling $7.5 million in net income. Pinnacol replied that the uncorrected statementare “immaterial.
” Pinnacol reported a total of $2 billionb in assets in 2008. It declared additiona policyholder dividendsof $120 million that

Sunday, July 29, 2012

California court rules for BofA - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:

The class-action case centered on BofA’ss collecting check overdraft and other fees by taking moneyfrom direct-deposit accounts set up to receivwe Social Security benefits. In a jury found BofA’s actionsa violated California banking laws that prohibit banks from taking Socialk Security benefits to recovercustome debts. But in the 1st District Court of Appealo in San Francisco ruledBofA didn’t breach state banking The appeals court said the lawsuirt misapplied a 1974 California Supreme Courrt decision that prohibits banks from usinhg public funds deposited into an accoungt to pay the bank customer’s separat e credit-card account.
Monday’s unanimous ruling upheld that decision. Charlotte, N.C.-based BofA told the news agencyy it was pleased withthe ruling, which it said rejecteds “a challenge to account-balancing practices followed by ever bank in California and acrossa the nation.” BofA is the largest bank in Los Angeled and the state of California.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

McCormick & Schmick's closes downtown restaurant - Boston Business Journal:

The Portland-based company notified the restaurant’s 38 employees of its decisio n and immediately closed the restaurant this All employees were offered positionsz at otherMcCormick & Schmick’s locations in the Portlandx metro area. Rumors the restaurantt would close have circulated since atleast April. Two yearsz ago, McCormick & Schmick’s stopped servinvg lunch at the location, in part because ongoing construction in downtownjcurtailed traffic. CEO William Freeman said the compan and its landlord worked hard to reach an agreementy that would have allowed the restaurant tocontinuw operating.
In the end, it wasn’t He said none of the company’s 96 remaininvg locations in the U.S. and Canada is in similar McCormick & Schmick’s (NASDAQ: MSSR) has struggled with mounting losses since the recession started more than ayear ago, includingf double-digit declines in same store sales at restaurants open more than a It lost nearly $70 million in 2008 and $1.1 millionn in the first quarter of 2009. It will open no more than threed new restaurantsthis year, far belo w its usual pace of 10 to 12 new locations a year. Freeman, who joined the companuy earlierthis year, said the decision to close the first McCormicik & Schmick’s location was difficult.
“It’s obviously a specia unit for us,” he said. The companyu acted quickly to close the restaurant so employeee can report to their new locations in time for the star t of the busy summer The company has several weeks left on the leaser and will spend that time takinyg inventory and determining where furnishings and other equipment mighrt bestbe used. McCormick & Schmick’s founders Bill McCormick and Doug Schmicok openedthe wood-paneled restaurant in 1979. The 9,400-square-foot downtown location, in the Henryg Failing Building, was placed on the market Tuesdagy by brokers Don Drake and Tim Parker of Melvijn MarkBrokerage Co.
The asking rent is $18 per square foot per The spaceincludes 5,070 square feet of ground a mezzanine for private dining, bar and lower level coolers, prep storage and offices. It is on the Max line in the Skidmore Fountain district.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Fed expects little inflation - Washington Business Journal:

The Fed’s benchmark interest rate was held steadu in a range of 0to 0.25 The Fed “continues to anticipate that economid conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federalp funds rate for an extender period,” it said in a statemen t released following its meeting. Despite rising energy and commoditu prices, “the committee expects that inflation will remain subdued for some thestatement said. The Federa Reserve also left its bond purchaseplanss unchanged, repeating its commitment to buy up to $1.
25 trilliob of agency mortgage-backed securities and up to $200 billionb of agency debt by the end of the The Federal Reserve also will buy up to $300 billiom of Treasury securities by The Fed now believes the pace of economic contraction is slowing, citing further signs of household spendingy stabilizing and improving conditions in the financiall markets. Among economic reports that may supportfthe Fed’s belief that the economy will soon be on the mend was the latestg data on factory orders, showin g orders for durable goods unexpectedlg rose in May for the second consecutivse month.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Equitable Building auctioned for $30M - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

The new owner, , an affiliate of Capmark Bank, bought the 33-storuy tower for $29.5 million, said attornehy William Rothschild, with law firm . Sutherland was representing the lender, , which was foreclosing on the Equitablr Building. Capmark was the only bidder on Equitable as most commercial real estateobservers Equitable's former owner, San Diego-based , paid about $57 million to acquirew the building in 2007, but its valude plummeted to $42 million by earlyg 2009.
Equastone received 90 percent financing from Capmark to acquire but plans to stabilizethe building's occupancyy and turn it into an income-producing asset never materializedd amid the worst commercial real estate crisis in 20 The tower -- designefd by renowned architectural firm -- has remainerd about half occupied this is managing and leasing the It's expected to court the Fulton Counthy public defender’s office, which is seeking at least a 50,000-square-footy lease downtown. The publidc defender's office was looking at the Equitablee Building, but the financial crisis facing the tower helped deraiolthe move. Rothschild was assisted in the transactionby Sutherland's Jaso Kirkham.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cellino, Barnes donate $1M to UB - Business First of Buffalo:

Lisa Mueller, assistant dean for alumn i and communications, said the gift matches the largesft single-donation in the history of the law the $1 million given in 2002 by Francids Letro, who graduated UB Law Schoo l in 1979 and went on to founed a successful personal injury In a release announcing the gift, University at Buffallo Law School Dean Makau Mutuaa called it “an extraordinary act of philanthropy” and “w wonderful down payment on our vision of academi c excellence and our bold aspirationse for the future.” Mutua said he plans to investf the gift in the students, calling them the centralk core of the law school.
Specifically, he said the mone y will go toward making improvements in pedagogical technologies in the schoo andupgrading services. Steve who founded the law firm along withRoss Cellino, said they felt they owed a debt of gratituded to the school where they got their “Both Ross and I are graduate of the law school and we’ve come to know many of the professors and administrators very well,” he said. “Makau Mutua is just an outstandin g individual and he has a visiom thatwe haven’t seen at the schook yet.
” Barnes said the decision to make the gift an unrestricted donation reflectws the confidence they have in the administratorsz at the University to utilize the money in the most effectivde ways possible. “We are lawyers, we didn’ft feel as though we are in a positionj to dictate how the money was he said. “We have a lot of confidencw in Makau’s vision and we have had long discussions aboug where he wants to take the schooland we’rw on the same page.” Recognizing the generosity of Cellino and the school has announced plans to name theit main conference center, located in O’Brian Hall, The Cellinok and Barnes Conference Center.
Askeds what it feels like to be in a position to giveaway $1 million, especially given the curreng economic climate, Barnes put the gift into “Both Ross and I come from very humblwe beginnings and kind of worked our way up from the he said. “We started out as just the twoof us, now, the practicre is a lucrative practice and I’m just glad we were able to help at a time that I thinkj is very critical to the law

Monday, July 23, 2012

Former Mirabilis head charged in $181M payroll tax fraud - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

The grand jury charged Amodeopwith conspiracy, failure to remit payrolol taxes, wire fraud and obstruction of an agency Amodeo faces 370 years imprisonment and fineds of $6.75 million if convicted. According to the Amodeo and other unnamecd executives at his company knowingly failed to remitf to the payroll taxess totalingsome $181.8 million, including $129.7 millio in FICA and withholdinvg taxes. It started with $7.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2004 with two businesseeshe controlled, III and Sunshine . It then continuecd over the next two years with for theremainingy $174 million.
Investigators said Amodeo included a numbee of companies in the activity acting as professionalemployed organizations, which would lease employees to other companies. Other companies believed to be involvedr inthe scheme, according to U.S. Attorney Robert E. O’Neill, were AEM, , Common Paymasterf Corp., , , Presidion Solutions, , , and variousa other companies. In some cases, Amodeo was not listed as a officer or shareholder of those but prosecutors said he and otherz directed the business activities of allthe companies.
Mirabilia Ventures itself in October 2007 after reporting totalk lossesof $285 milliojn along with other costs and punitive Beginning in 2007, 24 legal actions had been filed against Mirabilis with all but eight of them settled or dismissesd by the time the company according to officials at the time. Mirabilis also filedx counterclaims to some of the suitsz claiming it was stillowed $14 million. On top of Mirabilis was looking toget $47 million in investmentse and loans along with another $200 million in other damages it said it was owed by its all money being funneled into the IRS while the government agencyh looked to see how much in taxees the company owed, official said at the time.
Mirabilis bankruptcy protectionlast May, listin up to 200 creditord and liabilities of between $50 million and $100 million.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Proteon's old friendships friendships help bring about new $38M relationship - Kansas City Business Journal:

The venture capitalists who put the dealtogether Dr. Steven St. Peter in Boston and Dr. Thomas Shoarf in St. Louis — becamw friends while dissecting frogs in an anatomyu and physiology courseat Wichita’d . And St. Peter’s fraternity brother and pre-med classmate at the — Dr. Nicholas Franano founded Proteon inKansas City. The back story to the deal offerws a lesson in the importance of personal relationshipin business, and it goes to show that fruitful contacts can come from St.
Peter, a managiny director with the life sciences venture capital firm , said that one of his most vivid undergraduats memories is trudging with Beta Theta Pi brothee Franano to freshmen chemistry, a course with about 700 studentw in Hoch Auditorium. Franano, a nativw of Ottawa, Kan., and St. the brother-in-law of Anne St. Peter, chairwoman of the , later roomecd together in medical school atin St. Louis. Duringg that time, St. Peter stayer in touch with Shoaf, who was in med schoolp at KU, as was St. Peter’s younger St. Peter would catch up with his former high schooll lab partner while visitinghis brother.
They reconnected yearsx later, after both of them had gravitatecd into the speciality of providing capital for lifesciences companies. “It’s like a said Shoaf, who is with Stifel Nicolaus Co., a brokerage and investment banking “It’s an example of how smalpl the world is in lifescience Proteon, which has its headquarters in Waltham, and research facilities in Kansas City, is developinb a blood vessel-dilating drug candidate. One of the main potentiakl treatment benefitsof Proteon’s product is to help establishn and maintain access points for dialysis patients.
Proteon’sd March 5 venture capital announcement included the newsthat Switzerland-basedr had paid an undisclosed sum for the exclusive optio n to buy Proteon for $550 million. Frananl said his long-standing relationship with St. who was in Franano’s wedding, helped with the trusy that is crucial to anybusiness deal. “Steve has known about Proteon really fromthe beginning,” he said, “and Stevwe knew that I had a very good clinical interventional radiology career when I left to work on “He knew what I was giving up. He knew I wouldn’f do something like that unleses it wasreally good.” St.
Peter said his approach of being a partner and adviser to clients is easier with Franano because of their To St. Peter, Franano is still much like that guy infreshmem chemistry. They sat up fronrt to keep from being behind a seaof people. “Nick, abover all else, is practical,” St. Petetr said, “and I think that whole practicality of sitting in the fronft row to keep people from intimidatingb you is the samewith Proteon. “Hde is focused on success and willing to do what it takesw toget there.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

The hospital qualified for the magazine’s “Hono Roll” in its 2009 edition of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals. The Honorr Roll is reserved for hospitals that achieved rankinv in all surveyed specialty area covered by the monthlytnews publication. Children’s ranked in the top 10 in six specialtuy areas, including cancer (No. 10), diabetews and endocrine disorders (No. 10), digestive disorder s (No. 5), neonatal care (No. 8), orthopedics (No. 8) and respiratorhy disorders (No. 5). Last year, Children’s was ranke d No. 7 overall among the nation’sa pediatric hospitals. In 2007, it finisher at No. 4.
Because of a changre in how the reportwas compiled, there was no generaol numerical ranking this year.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wachovia seeks foreclosure on 49-acre site - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

The property is part of Mandarin aplanned 200-acre traditional neighborhoord development of 1,500 homes and a villagew center split among several builders. The undevelopes piece that faces foreclosure is owned by an affiliateof Ariz.-based Coronado West. On May 22, Wachoviwa filed the foreclosure action in Miami-Dade County Circuit Court against Coronado West, affiliate CW Capital Fund One and Coronadio West President John E. Cork. The lawsuit also named , a nationwide builder that had an option to purchaserthe 49-acre site from CW Capitapl Fund One. D.R. Horton is one of the builders on anothe part ofMandarin Lakes, Cork said in a phonw interview.
The lawsuit is based on a mortgagew that was last modified in 2007at $6.8 million. The propertuy is at the corner of Naranjq Lakes Boulevard and Southwest 145th Avenue in Cork said he is trying to negotiate a settlementr with Wachovia onthe mortgage, which expired befor e he could pay it. He said D.R. Horton did not use its optiohn to buythe land. His companyy has not started construction onthe site. Jacksonvilled attorney Harry M.
Wilsonj III, who represents Wachovia in the did not immediately return a callseeking

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

At PV America, Rendell says alternative energy will boost economy - Houston Business Journal:

“I believe that over the next five the development ofthe green-energy economy can drivde this nation’s comeback,” the Democratic governor said at the general sessiojn of PV America, which is being held at the Pennsylvaniaw Convention Center in Philadelphia through The conference is the firsgt by the to focus solely on photovoltaic solafr energy, which comes from photovoltaicc panels that convert sunlightt into electricity. It’s being held in conjunctionh withthe IEEE’s 34th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference at the Philadelphisa Marriott Downtown, which is adjacent to the convention center, from Sundau through Friday.
(IEEE used to stand for , but the nonprofig now just refers to itself by its acrony because it has so many members from otherengineering fields.) About 3,00 0 people are attending the conferences, the SEIA and IEEE Part of Rendell’s message was similarr to the message delivered by SEIA Presidentr and CEO Rhone Resch later in the session: When they go the people at the conference should promote solar energy’s virtues to everyonre from their neighbors to their state and federal elected officials. “Yoiu have to roll up your sleeves andbe advocates,” Rendell said.
Both Rendell and Rescuh praised President Obama for his efforts on behalcf of renewableenergy — “President Obama is becomingv the solar president,” Rescgh said — but they said they’d like the federao government to do more. Rendelll said federal legislators should do two Make renewable-energy tax credits permanent, rathed than reauthorizing them every few years; and creatwe a federal alternative portfolio standard that mandates that a specified portion of energy sold in the countru be created from alternative energy sources. Twenty eight states, includingy Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and the District of Columbisa have alternativeportfolio standards.
Rendell said he’d like the federapl standard to have minimum figurex that states could exceed ontheir own. “Ig we do those things … I thinl there’s no reason that America can’t be the dominant nation in solar energy forthe world,” he said. Rendelo said alternative energy will drivethe U.S. economy for the next 25 yeara just asthe information-technology and life sciences industriees have driven it for the last 25. Underr his leadership, Pennsylvania has moved to capitalizew onthat shift. In 2004, it established an alternativre portfolio standard that requires 18 percent of energy sold in Pennsylvania to come from alternative source s of energyby 2020.
Last Pennsylvania created a $650 million renewabls energy fund. Of that money, $180 million is to go to solare energy, consisting of $100 million for grants and rebates to cover up to 35 perceny of the costs incurred by homeand small-business owners who instalol solar energy systems, and $80 million for grants and loans for solar economic-development projects. More than 300 applicationws forsolar economic-development projects were received by the deadlined last week, Rendell said. Philadelphiaa also has gotten in onthe renewable-energ act. Mayor Michael Nutter in April by 2015. The city is one of 25 takintg part in the federal Departmentof Energy’ s Solar America Cities initiative.
As part of it’s developing a plan to generate 2.3 megawatts of solar electricity by 2011and 57.8 megawattss by 2021, which is its share of the stat of Pennsylvania’s solar installation To help it meet thosw goals, Nutter said Monday, the city is lookingf to replace the roof at its fleett workshop with a roof that producese solar energy and has formulated plans for building large-scale solae arrays at Philadelphia Water Department

Monday, July 16, 2012

Yogurt franchise finds its sweet spot in San Antonio - Pittsburgh Business Times:

Yogurt franchise Red Mango has signef a development agreement with RamiroValadez III. The local businessman plans to open six storews in the greater SanAntonioo area. Store No. 1 is set to open in the first week of June at QuarrVillage — a residential/retail development in Nortnh Central San Antonio. Come 2010, the plan is to get two more Red Mangoo stores upand running, Valadez Valadez says he was attracted to the tasty, health-conscious treat that is the core of Red Plus, the simple operations set up makes it an easied concept to roll out in other partsa of the city. Yogurt shops are certainly not a new conceptg forSan Antonio.
Case in point is OrangeCupp — a chain from the Capital City that is currently open for businesz at The Shops at La Cantera on theNorthwesg Side. In fact, OrangeCup was recently honored witha “Hot Award during the 2009 Global Real Estate Convention (RECon) of the The award recognizes conceptse that drive customers to shopping centerss around the world. however, believes that Red Mangop is up for the challenge of going agains t competitorslike OrangeCup. “It’ss a trendy, upscale yogurt shop,” says Valadez of Red “The concept is catching on.
” The franchise agreemen with Valadez is one of severaol that Red Mango has signed as part of its push to builcthe chain’s presence throughout the U.S. Developmentr deals signed in the firsrt quarter of 2009 are poised to result in some 128 new Red Mango storeas over the nextseverakl years. “This has been an incredible quarte r forRed Mango, and we’re just gettinhg started,” says James Franks, vice president of franchising for Red “The explosive growth of our brand will help us double our networkj in 2009 and set the stage to enterf a series of new statex in rapid succession.
” To that end, Red Mang has moved its national headquarters from Sherman Calif., to Dallas — a market that has embracerd the concept and offers the yogurt chaim significant logistical advantages, according to a recengt article by the , a Businessz Journal sister publication. Dallas is also home to private equity firmCIC Partners, whicuh made a $12 million investment in Red Mangoo last August. Red Mango was founded in 2002 inSoutjh Korea. In July 2007, Dan Kim brought the concepty tothe U.S. He serves as presidenft and CEO ofthe firm. Littled wonder that San Antonio’s medical real estate marketr is stillbooming — given the national stats on the health care industry.
According to a recent analysis by Robert senior vice president and chief economist forSantaq Ana, Calif.-based , employers in the healtnh care and social assistance sectorse have added nearly half a million jobs since the outset of the economic downturn back in Decembeer 2007. The trends driving this Bach adds: The aging of the Baby Boomer groupl and the development of new treatment optionds formedical conditions.
More good Between December 2007 andMarch 2009, the state of Texaw was one of a handful that saw an increased in jobs — versuas the many states that have lost jobs over this same time • Family fun: Mega-sports retailer will hold a Bass Pro Shopsz Family Summer Camp from May 30 to July 5. The activitiesa and workshops are free of charge and will focus on such topice as the basicsof hiking, bird watching and The camps will run from 3 to 7 p.m. on Tuesdayzs and Wednesdays, and from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturdayw and Sundays.
The local Bass Pro is located at17907 IH-19 West, in the Rim shopping center in Northwest San For more info, log on: • Kudos: Travis Kessler, president and CEO of the San Antoniio Board of Realtors has received the William R. Magel Award of Excellence. The awardx recognizes Kessler’s work as an associationj executive of a localp or state Realtor Kessler has been involved with the organization sincde1977 — when, just out of college, he went to work for the Texa s Association of Realtors. After stints with the Coloradoi andLafayette boards, Kessler returnerd to Texas in 1987 — working with the . He has servex in his current role with SABOR since 1997.
• : Earliert this week, Morningside Ministries, the city of Boerne and the celebrated the openingt ofthe . It includes 40 beds and a mix of private and semi-private suites, private showers and various amenities for seniors. The Kendall Housd is one of several facilities that make up the Menge r Springs campus of Morningside The entire development is located on some 34 acresw of landin Boerne, which is just northwest of San Menger Springs is one of three elderlyy care communities owned and operateds by Morningside Ministries in the San Antonio area.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

CB Richard Ellis surges on stock plan - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

CB Richard Ellis stock surged as much as 21 percen t on news of thenew capital. The Los Angeles-based broke r plans to offer $400 milliomn in senior unsubordinated notes in aprivate placement. It will also sell $100 millionn in new Class A common stock to investors including hedge fundPaulson Co., Inc., and may raise another $50 million in periodic public stock CB Richard Ellis has $2.4 billion in $310 million of it due next according to Bloomberg data. Much of its debt was incurree throughits $1.9 billion acquisition of Trammelo Crow in 2006.. CB Richard Ellis follows Jones LangLaSallwe Inc.
, which Tuesday said it planned to raise as much as $200 milliob in a secondary stock offering of 5.5 milliojn shares. CB Richard Ellis stock CBG) rose $1.24, or 15 to $9.38 per shar in afternoon trading.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Waiting for Wal-Mart plus the fight over 'Snakelights' top 20 years of WBJ headlines - Wichita Business Journal:

Those are some of the storie s that highlight the WichitaBusiness Journal's 20 years of reporting locap breaking business news. As a part of the WBJ's 20th we're reprinting news from 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001. Nov. 10, 1986 The managee of the PawneePlaza Mall, Mark Michaelis, confirmexd that he was negotiating with Wal-Marft to fill 103,000 square feet of space vacated threee years earlier by . Mall tenants hoped Wal-Mart woul move in and breathe life into the shoppingv center at Pawneeand Broadway. Not only did Wal-Martg open its first Wichita store in the mall in the retailer also bought the mall in 2002 then knocked it down to builcda Wal-Mart Supercenter.
The Kansas Attorney General'ss office and some state bankers questiones if the was followingb a new state law for handlingy bids on failed They were concerned that the FDIC seemed to favo r branch banks over newlychartered banks. Kansas Banking Commissioner Eugene Barrett got anattorney general's opinion stating that branch banking shouled be allowed "only when all else fails." Of 11 bank closingws after the law took effect, six reopeneds as branches, two were newlu chartered banks and three more had not , the owner of the Wichita Businessw Journal, announced it was merginyg with Scripps Howard Business Journals.
Scripps Howard, which was basedf in Houston and operated 10 business receivedapproximately $24 million in the stock transaction. At the ACBJ operated business journalsd in25 cities. Today the company has newspapers in42 cities. Nov. 8, 1991 The majorityh of the 375 employees at KansasGas Electric's corporate offices were told their jobs migh be moving to Topeka once state regulators ruleed on a proposed merger with . Merger team were looking for the most efficient site for combiningv services suchas accounting, finance, engineering, legal and data processing. The merget created in 1992, which became in 1999 afterd merging with Kansas CityPowef & Light.
Aviation industry observers were still tryint to decideif 's development of the Starshipp turboprop aircraft was a Only 18 Starships had been delivered even thoughu business aviation's first all-compositee construction aircraft had been certified in 1989. Analysts applaude Beech's decision to invest in leading-edge technology despite economic conditionx that hurt overallaircraft sales. A totalo of 53 Starships were built. In Raytheon Aircraft Co. decided to stop supporting the Starshi and offered to buy back all of the aircraftg fromtheir owners. Nov. 8, 1996 The Inc. settledc a patent-rights lawsuit with over the sale of flexibleslighting products.
The lawsuit claimex Coleman infringed on the patents Black Decker had forits "Snakelight." Coleman had suspended sales of two similar products pending the A Pennsylvania-based for-profit hospital chaimn took a close look at openingb a facility in Wichita. officiala believed a new hospital would lower healthj care costs inthe region. officials agreed a third hospital would bring down costs in theshort term, but they doubted that adding hospital beds would be in the community'as best interest in the long The demolition team set Dec. 22 as the date for the implosiob ofthe .
Businesses around the site were giveb a chance to learn more about how planned to use explosives to dropthe 17-storyy building. Nov. 9, 2001 City of Wichita officials believed a discount airline could be servin Wichita by the spring of 2002 after outliningthe " program. Area businesses were aske to pledge three months or more of their annual air travel budget to one or morediscounyt carriers. Steve Flescher, air service development directoe forthe city, said he wouldn't be surprised if one of threr carriers -- , or Americam TransAir -- would be ready to do business within six announced it would turn over its day-to-day mortgage lendinvg operations to on Jan. 2, 2002.
Emprise'e staff of 10 mortgags workers became Mortgage Center Atthe time, Empris handled $70 million in mortgage And Wichita was waiting for the "hot" lightg to come on as Krispy Kreme started hiring the 130 employeezs it would need to open its firsrt store in the area. The store at 7777 E. Centralk was scheduled to open Dec. 4. The compan y opened its secondWichitz location, 8512 W. Central, in 2003. Largest Wichita Officed Equipment andFurniture Companies, 1986. (ranked by full-time employees) 1. 2. 3. Scott Rice; 40; Ben Grisamore 4. Hesston Business 31; Rick Watson 5. Inc.; 28; Lloyd McGinle y 6. The 7. Southwestern Office Supply; 15; Robertf Blick II 8.
Contemporary Comfort; 12; Brendwa Sickmon 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Thompson-Crawley 8; Steve Roe 17. Janzejn Business Machines; 4; Larry Hart 18. 19. 20. Traditions; 2; Robi VanHuss

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Court date set for Trump breach of contract suit against SimDag - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

U.S. District Judge James D. Whittemore set the court schedul in documents filed withthe U.S. Districtg Court's Middle District of Floridaq this week. Trump sued SimDag for $1 milliojn he's owed for licensing fees on Trump Tower, and SimDagb countersued claiming Trump violated the agreemen t when he revealed he was nothing more than a licensof on the project rather than an actualdevelopmeny partner. Attorneys for both sides met Jan. 3 to hash out a schedulr for pre-trial discovery, which is scheduled to conclude Aug. 28.
At the same Whittemore ordered both sides to participatse in mediation by the end of and they now have four monthsx to find a mediator to try to settle the case out of Frank Dagostino, chief executive of SimDag, has maintainef that Trump would drop the lawsuitg if SimDag secures financing for the 52-storyh residential tower and pays the money owed to Dagostino has said in the past that if Trum p is paid, he woulr be willing to keep his name on the something Dagostino says is absolutely necessaryy for the project to move forward.
No officialk funding of the project has been however Dagostino hassaid SimDag, whicjh is based in Tampa, is workinb with a hedge fund based in New York to securr the deal. Trump filed his lawsuit last May, and both sidea had agreed to extensions over the course of the last several months with the final extension expiring at the beginningg ofthe year. With no new extensiom filed, SimDag answered Trump's complainy with a countersuit seekingunspecified damages.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mountain Lion Release Coming Soon, with Windows 8 to Follow - PCWorld


Houston Chronicle (blog)

Mountain Lion Release Coming Soon, with Windows 8 to Follow


The Gold Master release of OS X Mountain Lion has been given to developers, meaning the company is on track for a public release before July ends.

Coming soon to a hard drive near you: A new operating system

Houston Chroni cle (blog)

Mac OS X Mountain Lion coming soon as developers receive final version



Monday, July 9, 2012

Law firm latest to exit Statler - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

The firm, which leased 14,000 square feet in the Statler, plans to move into approximatelyt the same amount of spaced in MainPlace Tower. It was one of the largesty tenants remaining inthe Statler. The Buffalo landmark is at the center of a comples series of lawsuits andlega actions. The 18-story building, which is owned by , has been placec into involuntary Chapter 11 protection by the Western District ofthe . BSC Developmenr Buffalo’s managing member, British investor Bashar is facing legal and financial issues in Buffalkand Manchester, England. He has not been in this area in more than 18 The fate ofthe building, which overlooksz Niagara Square, rests with U.S.
Bankruptcyt Judge Carl Bucki who is presiding overthe case. Bucki is expected to set a foreclosuree auction date in the coming weeks a move that could lead the way for the Statlee to land in some new Long Island developer Uri Kaufman is considering making a bid for the buildintg and converting the bulk of itinto market-rat apartments. In the meantime, real estate broker Tom Zawadzkki is working with a groupof out-of-town investors who are considering making a bid for the sources said. That group would use most of the building asa hotel, with some residential and commercialp space included in the mix.
“Ik wish there was more interest from the Buffal real estate community inthe building,” said Morrisx Horwitz, court-appointed trustee for the “All of the interestf seems to be coming from out-of-town parties.” The Statlerr has been losing more than $80,000 a month, and those losses are expecteed to mount as other tenants leave the Issa bought the Statler three years ago and soon announcer plans to invest $100 million and returhn the building to its glory days. Just a smallk portion of the renovations were and no additional work has taken placw in more thanone year.
A lawsuigt is till pending from ParkLane Catering, anothee anchor tenant, which alleges that the building’w condition and uncertain future have causedd it to lose more than $1 millio in potential bookings.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Red Hat stock plummets as Oracle looms - Triangle Business Journal:

Red Hat in recent years has grown into the market leaderf in theLinux space. The company makes its mone y by selling its own version of the freelty available Linux operating system and also chargingv for support and services underea subscription-based model. Oracle's announcement Wednesday placess a formidable competitor in the Linuxservice market. Analystsx from , and downgraded Red Hat on Thursday in lightr of the announcement byOracle (Nasdaq: ORCL). The stocm price for Red Hat (Nasdaq: fell almost 30 percent Thursday before staginvg a late rally to close at down24 percent. More than 113 million sharesz hadchanged hands, compared to the daily averagew of 6 million.
Linux is an operatinfg system that, like Windows, can run personao computers andcomputer servers. Whilse Linux is an open-source system whose core codes is open to the Linux users often hire a company such as Red Hat to install and servicethe system, saving the user the time and IT giants such as IBM have embrace Linux and promoted the operating allowing it to gain a stronghold in the servefr market.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Obama picks VC to head SBA

Winslow Sargeant, a managinf director in the technology practiceof Wis.-based , is Obama’s choice to head the Offics of Advocacy. The office is an independent entitty inside the SBA that ensuresw that federal agencies consider the impact of theire regulations onsmall businesses. The office also conducts researcyh on smallbusiness issues. who earned a Ph.D. in electricao engineering at the , worked as a seniord engineer at several large corporationesbefore co-founding , a fabless semiconductor chip company that laterr was acquired by .
From 2001 to 2005, he served as program manager for the Small Business Innovation Researcg program atthe ’s engineering He is the second venture capitalist to be selected for a top post at the SBA. Agency Administrator Karen Mills worked as a principal in private equity and venture capital firms for 26 yearsz before she took over the SBAin Sargeant’s lack of legal training means he will have to rely heavilu on the attorneys at the Office of Much of the office’s work involves analyzinf whether government agencies have followef federal laws that require them to analyzs the economic impact that proposed rules would have on small businesses.
The office also makes sure that regulatoras hear the opinions of small businessesabout regulations. In fiscal 2008, this input saved small businessesabouf $11 billion in foregone regulatory according to the office. The office’x current acting counsel, Shawne Cartef McGibbon, has been an attorney for 20 years and joined the officein 1994, during the Clinton administration. She previously worked for a Democrativc memberof Congress. An unnamed Obamza administration official, however, characterized her to reporters asa “Bush during a controversy over an interagenchy review of the ’s finding that greenhouse gas emissions pose a publif health hazard.
The Office of Advocacy concludedc that regulating carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act woulcdlikely “have serious economic consequences” on small businesse and other regulated entities. Initial reportds attributed the office’s comments to the , which works directlyg for theWhite House. This led some Republicanz to contend that there was dissension inside the Obamwa administration about theEPA finding. OMB officials quicklyy said they had no problem withthe ruling, and severalk press accounts quoted anonymous administration officials who said Advocacy’d criticism of the EPA finding came from an office “still stocked with Bush in the words of the .
This dismissap of the office’s opinion upsety Rep. Darrell Issa of California, the rankin g Republican on the . “There are hundredas of civil servants serving in a similar capacitgy throughout the federal governmenf who could also be characterizedas ‘Bush holdovers,’” Issa wrote in a May 14 lettee to Obama. “I sincerely hope that theirt professional advice and decisions will not be discountesd merely because they also worked for the federal governmenr under PresidentGeorge W. Bush.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ruling lets SC students earn credit for religion classes - USA TODAY


Ruling lets SC students earn credit for religion classes


Federal appeals court  »

Monday, July 2, 2012

Moneta's Schick establishes University of Missouri-St. Louis professorship - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Alumnus Peter Schick, chairmah of the , has pledged $1.7 milliom to establish an endowed professorship in finance in the Collegee ofBusiness Administration. The endowmenyt will be known as thePetefr G. Schick Professorship in Financeat UMSL. The professorship, whichb will be the first endowed position forthe college's financse area, will be filled through a national search. Moneta Grou is a financial advisory company base din Clayton, Mo.
Also on UMSL established a new partnershio with the to creates the Center for Excellence in Financial Counseling at The FCE is a nonprofit dedicated to improving thefinancial well-being of consumers through the professional developmenr of financial counselors. Assorted assets of the foundation totalinabout $3.25 million will be donater to UMSL. The Center for Excellencse in Financial Counseling will be locatedon UMSL'sx South Campus. It is expectecd to open in July.